
  • HOME
  • Wi-Fi connection point - Roadside station Kiyokawa
  • 出会橋/轟橋
  • ももソフト
  • 道の駅きよかわ

There are a variety of shops such as flower, tofu, bread, and a yakiniku restaurant. Peach soft serve ice cream is a local speciality . Also don’t miss sake-manju and handmade lunch boxes.
You can see traditional entertainment such as a Kagura performance every month at “Kagura Hall” next to the road station.

Point Information
Tel0974-35-2117 Open7:30~18:00 CloseNew Year hours

About 15 minutes by car from Roadside station Kiyokawa.The arch diameter and stone bridge is a masterpiece.

Point Information
Tel0974-35-2372 http://www.bungo-ohno.jp/categories/shisetsu/kagura/

There are many local folk performing arts in Bungo-ono City. This local folk art, which is indispensable for the festival, passed down to generation after generation, is protected as a "treasure",and it is also "bonds" the regions together. The local arts such asthe Kagura and Lion dance, which are our "treasure", will be held at the Kagura Kaikan. So please enjoy this eternal dance.